Winlog32 Logging Software

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Free dictionary download. This software has been in development for many years and the author (G0CUZ) provides this software FREE to use by all Radio Amateurs and SWL's in true 'Ham Spirit', as such no warranty is implied or given as to it's suitability or reliability.

Although Winlog32 is general purpose logging software, it has a definite slant on DX'ing on both HF and VHF with comprehensive tracking of various awards programs like DXCC, IOTA, WAZ etc. and includes all the features you would expect from good quality logging and DXing software and more...



Winlog32’s use for contest logging is somewhat limited but the author has concentrated more on providing the features you would expect from general purpose logging and DX’ing software. Winlog32 also offers plenty of QSL support – a feature that could be quite useful if you just happen to be a card collector. N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this happens.

Vhf Logging Software

Winlog32 logging software for all Windows platforms.

Winlog32 Logging Software Online

Do you want to know if Winlog32 will suit your purposes? - please read on...

Timber Software

  • FREE, unrestricted use with no limitations of any kind
  • Works on all Windows platforms, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, W7, W8, W8.1, W10
  • Includes all regular logging, DXCluster, rig control features
  • Dedicated web-site, info, download plus well supported Forum
  • Regular updates
  • Well established, respected and has been in development for over 20 years
  • Suitable for general logging purposes, with emphasis on award chasing and HF-VHF DXing
  • Used world-wide for many years
  • Simple and intuitive operation and uncluttered layout
  • Works within single container window
  • Logs
    • Versatile and secure log database system using established MS Access Jet 3.5
    • Multiple logs in each log database
    • Multiple log databases
    • Unlimited number of log entries
    • Remote logging capable
  • Separate award tracking for each individual log database
  • Real-time log input
  • Last entered QSOs always displayed
  • Auto-date and time function
  • Auto-search and display previous QSOs
  • Automatic database updates and checks made during QSO input