Europa Universalis 4 Map

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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Europa Universalis IV for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Category:Map images. From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. A Area Maps‎ (empty) L Legends‎ (6 F) R Region Maps‎ (4 F) S Super-Region Maps‎ (14 F) Media in category 'Map images'. Europa Universalis 4 Minimap; Europa Universalis 4: Minimap. Page Discussion Edit History. What links here. EU IV Mini-map. The Minimap is located at the bottom right of your screen. If you click anywhere on this little map, you will jump to that location on the Main Map. Europa Universalis IV.

Console Cheats List[edit]

Press ~ (the key above TAB) to bring up the console. From there, you can enter cheat codes or type help to get a list of commands, including the following:

  • add_core [province tag] - Additional core
  • add_natives [province tag] [amount] - Additional natives in specified province
  • add_opinion [country tag] - Additional opinion to/from tag
  • add_pi [country tag] - Additional papal influence in specified country
  • add_pa [country tag] - Additional patriach authority in specified country
  • add_reformlevel [amount] - Additional reform level
  • add_interest [country tag] - Add specified country tag to your interest
  • stability - Additional stability
  • add_colonist [country tag] - Additional colonist in country
  • add_heir [country tag] - Additional heir of specified country
  • add_missionary [country tag] - Additional missionary in specified country
  • add_diplo - Additional diplomatic entroute
  • morehumans [number] - Additional humans
  • piety - Additional piety
  • population [province tag] [amount] - Additional population in specified province
  • prestige - Additional prestige
  • power [idea group tag] - Additional power to the specified idea group
  • add_idea_group [idea group tag] - Add the specified idea group
  • add_cb [belli tag] [country tag] - Casus belli against target country
  • annex [country tag] - Begin annex/annexes the specified country
  • integrate [country tag] - Begin integrate/integrates the specified country
  • control [province tag] - Update controller
  • mapmode [Mapmode type #] - Update mapmode
  • own [province tag] - Update ownership of specified province
  • nextsong - Skip to next background song
  • clear - Clear the cheat console
  • savegame - Creates a save file
  • discover [country tag] - Determine capital of specified country
  • helphelp - Double Rainbow
  • selflearningai - Enables/Disable smarter AI
  • event [event tag] [country tag] - Execute an event in specified country
  • manpower [#] - Additional manpower
  • Cash [#] - Additional funds
  • fow off - Disable fog of war
  • fow on - Enable fog of war
  • poll - Poll
  • adm [# OPTIONAL] - Add administrative power
  • dip [# OPTIONAL] - Add diplomatic power
  • mil [# OPTIONAL] - Add military power
  • powerpoints [# OPTIONAL] - Add power in all categories
  • winwars - Receive maximum war score in all wars for the country
  • nudge - Snap to nudge tool
  • combatsound [#] - Determine frequency of combat sounds in combat view (from 00 low to 50 high)
  • imperial_authority [amount] - Additional imperial authority
  • kill_cardinal - Kills top cardinal on the list
  • kill_heir [country tag] - Kills the heir of specified country
  • die(kill) [country tag] - Kills the monarch of specified country
  • oos - Cause the game client to go oos
  • prices - Record price in gamelog
  • help [command name] - Print out all console commands of a type
  • memory - Prints out memory used
  • balance - Provides region balance output
  • reloadinterface - Reloads client interface
  • remove_cb [casus belli tag] [country tag] - Remove casus belli from specified country
  • remove_core [province tag] - Remove core from specified providence
  • remove_interest [country tag] - Removes specified country from your interest
  • remove_defender_faith - Removes the Defender of the Faith for the player's religion
  • requestgamestate - Request gamestate from host
  • score - Prints score
  • legitimacy [amount] - Set legitimacy of the ruler as specified
  • spritelevel [level] - Set forced sprite level (resets if none specified)
  • setmissionaryprogress [province tag] [amount] - Updates the missionary progress for a province
  • papvotes - Shows votes for a cardinal in his tooltip field
  • IP - Shows your IP
  • pirate [province tag] - Triggers a pirate in specified province
  • revolt [province tag] - Triggers a revolt in specified province
  • tag [country tag] - Switch tag to a different country
  • observe(spectator) - Observe as spectator
  • testmission [mission tag] - Tests specified mission but doesn't trigger
  • testevent [event tag] [character tag] - Tests specified event but doesn't trigger it
  • aiview - Provide additional AI info
  • yesman - Toggle AI responses for everything to affirmative
  • msg - Toggles all popup messages
  • collision(debug_collision) - Toggles debug display of collision info
  • fullscreen - Toggles fullscreen on/off
  • ti(debug_ti) - Toggles Terra Incognita on/off
  • nopausetext - Toggles the pause banner on/off
  • validateevents - Validate all events without triggering them
  • vassalize [country tag] - Vassalize country specified
  • time - Print time
  • siege [province tag] - Instantly wins the active siege in province specified

Submitted by: mistermanny

Europa Universalis 4: Golden Century lets you break free from stuffy empires and gives you pirate republics to run, plundering the coast and robbing ships. Or, if you’re a narc, you can try to civilise the seas, fighting off the pirates and establishing order.

Small island nations can choose to become pirate republics by picking a new decision, and historical events can also introduce new pirate republics to the map. Nine of them can appear, spread across the Caribbean, Barbary Coast, East Indies and Madagascar. Within the republics are different factions, like buccaneers and smugglers, and as the name suggests, the pirate leaders don't have absolute rule; they've got to deal with pesky elections.

Was $15 with slow boat shipping, took 2.5 weeks to get. First thing you need to do is install the driver for the USB/OBDII cable. Follow the steps outlined in ' Installing MVCI Driver for TOYOTA' of the ft86club post. Load this page since I used this for most of my steps,. Mini

Europa Universalis 4 Map

Golden Century also throws in a few more naval-themed features. You can appoint flagships, for instance, which beef up the vessel in question, in turn giving the fleet more combat and trade power. If you’re sick of the same old ships, you’ll also get 17 new Iberian ship models, 17 new Berber ship models and some new army units, too.

Iberian nations can let religious orders govern, reducing unrest and making it easier to convert people. Colonial powers can also settle their colonies with minorities from back home, basically shipping them off to make sure the nation stays cohesive. It’s a dick move and makes pirate’s life seem all the more seductive.


As much as I’m very much looking forward to being the thorn in the side of the old powers, swanning around the sea with my fancy tricorn hat, I’m not quite ready to be dragged away from Crusader Kings 2: Holy Fury and its animal kingdoms. Pirates are great, but you know what would be better? Dog pirates. Duck privateers. Go on, Paradox. Finish what you started.

Europa Universalis 4 Map Mods

Golden Century is due out on December 11 and will set you back £7.19/$9.99.